Setup Remote Workforce In Hours
The Koneqt platform allows for virtually endless scalability for a remote workforce. Start off with a basic Remote Workforce application and develop other parts into your system seamlessly.
At a click of a button setup your workers to be able to work from home or anywhere in the world - as long as they have internet connection. With more than 10 years experience in setting in remote location system setups.
Have full oversight with complete Audit Trails, Governance ready and setup workflows to allow for large scale Compliance.

Whether you have one office or thousands across the globe the Koneqt platform will be able to handle all of those connections concurrently in real time. It is a light application and will work fast even in low bandwidth environments like most parts of Africa.
Expand your reach, save money immidiately.
Real time mobile dashboards - graphs or KPI’s such as % of resources in use, total takings for a day, most profitable and used products / venues / rooms /events - allow your managers to have their finger on the pulse at all times, and react to anomalies before they become an issue.

Advanced Portal
Mobile portal for all you Users and Clients. Modify, develop and roll out any number of Mobile apps to suit your needs.
Have specific app for each department up to each type of client, product whatever you needs would be.
Save Money From Day One
Remote Revolution
Working remotely is the biggest revolution that has entered the workplace in the last decade. Koneqt allows a seamless crossover to a remote work experience. With over a decade of remote work experience in systems and methodology the Koneqt platform and methodology allows your organisation to adapt seamlessly. With travel time and cost sky rocketing a remote work solution is fast becoming the work structure of choice by millions of people worldwide.
Technology has now reached the point where you can seamlessly transition to remote workforce. The Koneqt platform allows for that. All your remote workforce needs is the internet. Koneqt allows for collaboration, audit on every single step taken, simply action management. It is a highly secure system that allows you and your workers to work without the concern.

Adopt To The Gig Economy Now
The most talented people worldwide are expecting remote location work as a standard. The risk is that you can loose your most talented workforce to companies who offer remote work as standard.
Develop intricate workflows and automation to make sure you comply to standards required. The Koneqt Platform allows for much customization.
Easily customisable
Omni Channel
Have a full 360 overview of your remote workforce from day 1. Your workforce can be up and running within a day. Replace slow communication processes with ease. Don's use your emails for task management anymore, use the full blown Task Management system within Koneqt and start tracking various metrics from day one.
You can create your own workflows and even adapt the system to your needs at scale.
Add Ai, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and even Blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology to the system with ease.